Our Projects

Drinking Water Appeal

We need your help to provide a constant supply of drinking water to the people of Khan Yunus Refugee Camp in Gaza. In the heat of the summer no one should be worried about having clean water to

Gaza Emergency Appeal

Gaza is under attack. The scale of destruction is heart-breaking; children are dying and families are being left homeless. Please help us to provide emergency food and urgent medical assistance to those injured and affected by the recent assaults.

Educational Camp

Living as a refugee child in a deprived refugee camp means little fresh air, cramped spaces, compromised educational attention and little space to be carefree. This camp provides a week away for these children ages with no financial burden on their families.

Make a Donation

Donate with us today to support our projects, all of which focus on the refugee child and their needs. For more information email us at ihsanforchildrenfoundation@gmail.com

“History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children.” – Nelson Mandela

Winter Relief

Thousands of Syrian and Palestinian child refugees in Lebanon’s refugee camps do not have the basic items to enable them to survive through the harsh winter months. For this reason, our team on the ground distributed life saving essentials including food parcels, winter clothes, hats and scarves, pillows and mattresses.

Support for Communities

There are many child refugees who’s needs are not being met, their development stunted by the lack of basic necessities like food and shelter, and by their physical, mental, social and educational state. This substantially affects their chances of adapting and excelling in a new environment and getting themselves out of their situation.

“During these bitterly cold nights, we can’t snuggle up under our duvets, or huddle up around the fireplace, simply because we don’t have any.”

— A parent living in a refugee camp in Lebanon