Support for Communities

Support for Communities

Countless child refugee’s needs are not being met all over the world; their development stunted by the lack of basic necessities like food and shelter, and by their physical, mental, social and educational state. This substantially affects their chances of adapting and excelling in a new environment and getting themselves out of their situation.

Our aim is to bridge that gap in every way needed – by providing necessities, educational and recreational trips, and psychological and medical support so they do not fall further and further behind their peers. Our scope and ability to deliver rests in financial and volunteer support, this is where we need you.

Help us reach the children that need us. Donate with us now using the link at the top right hand side of the screen. For more information email us at

The suffering inside refugee camps continues amid the bitter cold winter leaving refugees even more vulnerable in their already difficult situation. Particularly in refugee camps in Lebanon, families are highly suffering of the extreme cold weather, and many children, sick and elderly have died as a result.

In light of the absence of heating means and adequate infrastructure, these refugees, who have been trapped in these camps for a long time, are surrounded by snow and rain that continues to damage the already poor infrastructure and tents housing them.

Thousands of children do not have the basic items to enable them to survive through the harsh winter months. For this reason, our team on the ground distributed life saving essentials including food parcels, winter clothes, hats and scarves, pillows and mattresses.

This of course would not be possible without your generous donations – to be a part of this initiative, donate using the button on the top right of the screen or email us at for more information.